Saturday, February 16, 2008

Payton Gets Her 1st Boo Boo!

We had a great day at the park yesterday! Everyone was having so much fun and the weather was awesome! Then, right before we were leaving Payton tripped trying to step onto the sidewalk. I thought all was well because she caught herself....until she stood up! OUCH! She had scratched her sweet lil' nose on the concrete! HER FIRST BOO BOO!!!! :) She was a big girl about it though, shook it off after a minute or so and was ready to play again! I had to document it since it was her first real ouchy!!!! The other pics are just some cute ones around the house. P&G rode in the grocery cart for the 1st time this weekend. YES, we brought the camera to the grocery store.......LOL

Click here to visit our Shutterfly photo gallery and see what fun we had!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Payton & Grayson Turn 15 Months!

Payton & Grayson turned 15 Months Old yesterday! So we took a bunch of pics I thought I would share; they are the bath ones. I cant even describe the awesome personalities these babies have, they are just incredible and bring us so much joy!!! I have to explain the bouncy seat & car seat pics. Payton found this stuff, I had it put away. She crawled up into her bouncy seat & was playing when I came into the room. She was having a blast. The same thing happened with the infant car seat. Look at how much their feet are hanging off the bouncy seats; we havent used these in months!!! :)

Click here to see more pictures!